Little Athletics State Cross Country Championships Saturday 29th August, Perry Lakes Reserve
Please find the current roster here: Event Roster Final
- Parents must sign in to the UWA Parent Roster tent and see Phil Hynes regarding your roster area.
- Please arrive 10 minutes before your roster commences.
Other Information
- Please remember parking will be very tight as Hockey is on.
- Do not park in Bold Park Reserve car parks on the other side of Perry Lakes Drive. Rangers will issue fines.
- There will be a coffee van and food van on site. There will be no BBQ or canteen this year.
- Make sure your child is in full uniform with their rego number, age tag and Coles badge attached.
- Any good photos on the day please email the centre for social media and as a record of the day.
- The course maps and event program are on the Athletics West website
- We have a few parents from the Centre running in the Open race-make sure you cheer them on!
Amy Hamilton