UWAAC Seniors

UWAAC was founded in 1928 and has enjoyed much success and enjoyment over the years boasting the largest membership of all senior clubs in West Australia and producing some of the countries finest Athletes including numerous Olympians.

The Club has experienced many changes over the years and none more exciting than the amalgamation of “Perry Lakes Little Athletics Club” and “The University of West Australia Athletics Club”, through many years of discussion this finally came to fruition at the end of 2009, the amalgamated club is now one of the largest Athletics clubs in Australia.

The senior club is very keen to assist in any manner with the juniors to ensure that some of the amazing Athletes that are developed through the junior system are not lost to the sport of Athletics in their later teenage years. The senior club boast five exceptional coaches who can assist junior  athletes who wish to take their sport to the next level.

As a senior club we look forward to our amalgamated club growing from strength to strength and are delighted to have all the juniors and their very dedicated parents on board.

For further information regarding the senior club please log onto the  website  http://www.uwaac.com.au for further details and information.