Bravehearts Update
About the Event
Saturday November 5th at the WA Athletics Stadium
Events and Program & Site Layout
2017 Venue Map and Site Layout for Bravehearts
Parent Roster
Parents are all required to do one roster slot on the day. Please note this is in addition to your normal UWALAC Saturday roster.
Bravehearts Parent Roster (Finalised)
UWALAC is on equipment all day. Please make sure you arrive on time and sign in at our tent. Then report to Jake from LAWA in the equipment area in the 2nd tunnel.
Tent set up and pack down please report to Hamish our equipment Manager at your designated time on the hill.
There are 2 from UWA per roster spot.
What do athletes wear? Wear your Purple
It is still a competition so athletes wear their full UWALAC uniform however to support Bravehearts athletes are encouraged to wear purple and white with their uniform i.e. purple or white socks, head bands, bandanas, arm bands , neck scarves, hats, zinc cream, spray your hair etc.
UWA tent
The UWA tent will be set up on the hill at the Northern end of the 100m track for parents and athletes to sit in and as a meeting point
Team Manager on the Day:
Judd Bogust 0498 690 939